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Crypto Company Paxos is Ordered by a Regulator to Quit Issuing Binance Stablecoin

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    Patricia Kowsmann


    Caitlin Ostroff

    Updated Feb. 13, 2023 11:38 am ET

    BUSD, also known as Binance USD, is a stablecoin backed by U.S. dollars on a one-to-one basis. Photo: Lionel Ng/Bloomberg News

    New York regulators directed a crypto company to stop issuing one of the largest dollar-pegged cryptocurrencies, as a government clampdown on the sector widens. 

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    Author: Shawn Turner

    Last Updated: 1698337682

    Views: 1040

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    Author information

    Name: Shawn Turner

    Birthday: 1963-04-08

    Address: 6395 Nelson Knoll, North Josephberg, UT 88842

    Phone: +4689465017463611

    Job: Bank Teller

    Hobby: Running, Aquarium Keeping, Cycling, Geocaching, Puzzle Solving, Sculpting, Ice Skating

    Introduction: My name is Shawn Turner, I am a risk-taking, talented, welcoming, fearless, unreserved, spirited, unswerving person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.