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Binance Japan Partners With MUFJ To Create A Stablecoin, With $QUBE Beating $UNI As The Top-Performing DeFi Token

New Jersey --News Direct-- Web3 AI Media

InQubeta ($QUBE) has emerged as one of the top DeFi projects in the cryptocurrency space, outperforming platforms like Uniswap ($UNI) as its prices grow by close to 100% during one of the most bearish times so far this year in the cryptocurrency space.

InQubeta showcases how impactful decentralized finance projects can be as it opens up artificial intelligence (AI) investments with smart contracts, ERC20 coins (commonly called non-fungible tokens), and an Ethereum-based blockchain. It skirts the obstacles that make it almost impossible for a large portion of the global population to use traditional investment services. With InQubeta, anyone with a debit/credit card or a cryptocurrency wallet can buy equity in AI startups on its non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace.

Meanwhile, Binance recently partnered with Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) to develop a new stablecoin based on multiple currencies. The currency will be developed on the Progmat Coin platform, which was developed by MUFG. The platform meets Japan’s rigorous regulations for the issuance and management of stablecoins.

Top DeFi projects to invest in: InQubeta ($QUBE) outpaces $UNI

VIDEO: Unlocking Japan's Web3 Revolution: Binance & MUFG's Game-Changing Stablecoin Partnership!
Crypto Ape

Investors who join the $QUBE presale during its beta stage are close to doubling their investment and newcomers can still enjoy 3x returns before the event ends. Over $3.3 million has been raised so far as investors scurry to attach themselves to the first cryptocurrency project that has the potential to be a major player as the artificial intelligence revolution unfolds.

Artificial intelligence has come a long way since the days when it was no more than a cool concept showcased in popular sci-fi media. These days, AI concepts many people never expected to materialize are now a reality. Driverless taxi cabs now carry fares in cities like San Francisco and Tesla recently demoed its Optimus humanoid robot performing tasks like sorting different objects autonomously.

There’s no question about it; AI is about to transform the world in ways many of us have never imagined. It will disrupt almost every existing industry, creating opportunities for savvy investors to walk away with substantial profits. Thanks to InQubeta, it's now easier than ever to gain access to these opportunities.

A new way to invest

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There are no hurdles to jump over when investing in the InQubeta network. Anyone with a crypto wallet or a credit/debit card can invest by buying $QUBE. The project’s native token is used to buy equity-based NFTs sold by AI startups looking for funding. Investors acquire part ownership of these companies by buying their NFTs, which serve as stocks, on the InQubeta marketplace with $QUBE.

The value of ERC20 coins purchased can be monitored in each investor’s InQubeta account and traded on the marketplace whenever they wish.

Investing directly in the project by holding or staking $QUBE could earn investors as much as investing in AI startups does. A 1.5 billion $QUBE cap and burn protocols encourage the long-term price of $QUBE.

Binance and MUFJ collaborate on new stablecoin

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The new stablecoin being developed by Binance and MUFJ will be tied to the Japanese yen and incorporate other currencies like the U.S. dollar. This will allow users to use the stablecoin to carry out transactions in multiple currencies.

A new stablecoin could end up playing a major role in Binance’s partnership with the Japanese market. It will also help to diversify Japanese financial services.


VIDEO: Why Binance and Banking Giant MUFG Want to Issue Stablecoins in Japan

InQubeta is one of the best DeFi projects launched this year and its presale has emerged as one of the most lucrative opportunities. Some analysts have $QUBE prices growing by as much as 100x once launched as it funnels capital to AI startups by making it easier to invest in the technology.

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VIDEO: Binance Seeks to Launch Stablecoins in Japan with MUFG Unit
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